About Me.

Hi I’m Lucy. I am an intuitive healer, tarot reader, artist and tattooer. My work comes in many forms but my intention is always to facilitate awareness, healing and empowerment for my clients. 

I graduated from Langara College with a diploma of Fine Arts in 2016 and began my pursuit of a career in the arts. Specializing in painting and drawing I began to show my work around the city at various group shows and events. In 2017 I competed a total of seven times in a speed painting competition called Art Battle, ending with two runner up positions and a single win. It was through these local arts events I met my tattoo mentor who then offered me an apprenticeship at his studio. I apprenticed at Grapevine Tattoo from October 2018-October 2019. And then worked as a resident artist for another few years.

January 2021 I came up with the idea to do a tarot inspired tattoo flash event. The idea became so popular it soon became my primary focus and thus was born the Intuitive Tattoo process. Little did I know at the time that this was the beginning of me redefining my work, my business, and ultimately my self, to be so deeply in alignment with my soul’s purpose as a projector. 

Tarot reading has been a powerful tool for me throughout my life and doing intuitive tarot readings for my clients is one of my favourite things ever. Ive been reading for myself for over a decade, and professionally since 2020. Even I can still get chills and be startled by the accuracy or moved to tears with the message. The result of combining a personal reading with the creation of a tattoo is some kind of inexplicable magic.

In the winter of 2021 Due to my own chronic pain and other health issues I took a hiatus from tattooing to focus on healing myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I realized that I had acquired the skills I had set out to gain and now I had a lot of internal work to do in order to show up as the healer and the artist that I intended to be. 

I began studying myself. I read about nutrition, anatomy & physiology, trauma therapies, spirituality, philosophy. I sought guidance from Doctors, Naturopaths, Therapists, Body workers, Trauma Coaches, hypnotherapists & Shamans. I became certified as a Reiki Practitioner in spring 2021. I took an extensive course on German New Medicine, which revolutionized my perspective on wellness vs illness, and how I approach healing. 

Part of the reason my work is so potent and full of value is because of my own personal experience with trauma and healing, and the deep presence I cultivate with each client. My goal is to facilitate a meaningful experience and provide a safe container for whatever intention is called for. 

October 2021 I opened my Home-Studio that I affectionately call The Meaning Marker’s Studio. October 2022 I move from Vancouver to Nanaimo BC! I am now so fortunate to do such incredible work with the most amazing clients from all over North America.
